VFX Hut’s Subs Library Launched!

VFX Hut’s Subs Library Launched!

We are now offering lifetime membership and yearly plans starting from as little as £49/year to have access to all of our content. Please bare with us we started small and are growing fast. So after signing up if you have any tech problems drop us an email and we will...
Quixel are Kind!!

Quixel are Kind!!

Getting home and receiving an email from Quixel saying you can pay £10 less a month and receive MORE and higher resolution textures was all just too much. How nice is that! Not only that (little annoying) but Unreal Engine Users get access to the Megascans library...
Pixologic Zbrush 2020 Released

Pixologic Zbrush 2020 Released

Having recently invested in ZBrush we were happy to find out that we could download the latest version free. 2019.1 customers can upgrade to ZBrush 2020 for free. This is the total opposite to what Maxon do with Cinema 4D, not allowing R20 customers to upgrade even by...
Adobe Substance Alchemist 2019.1 Public Release

Adobe Substance Alchemist 2019.1 Public Release

Alchemist has finally been released for the public and is finally out of the beta. So go ahead and download if you already have the Substance Suite. If you have been dying to signup because of this product nows time to jump on the bandwagon. This will require a...
Maxon’s Cinema 4D R21 Released

Maxon’s Cinema 4D R21 Released

Cinema 4D R21 Released and ready for people to try/buy yesterday. This should be exciting news for people that want to start getting into 3D. Maxon Customers with Perpetual Versions of Cinema 4D are still waiting to hear on upgrade paths, but as soon as we know we let...


Our Surface Imperfections vary in resolution depending on what we are capturing. Most maps will be between 4K and 3.5K, but none should be under 2K - allowing for maximum quality as captured within the real world.


We currently have two types of imperfection maps, Still (Imperfections) and Video (Motion Imperfections). Our Motion Imperfections are captured at 8K using a RED V-RAPTOR Camera.

Motion Imperfections:

We provide a 120fps processed MOV & Standard speed processed in PNG Sequences, HQ MP4 and MP4. If they are too slow feel free to speed them up using the 120fps footage.

Please Note: Most Motion Imperfections will not be seamless


Most VDB Volumes are Low to Medium Resolution, meaning they are designed for Mid to Wide shots.

This is to allow all users of GPU Renderers to add volumes into their scenes. Also it helps keep the file size down.

VDB Volumes labeled [L] are our legacy volumes (Early Volume Creations) (Wide Shots)

VDB Volumes labeled [SQ] are resolution designed for wide shots (Wide-Mid)

VDB Volumes labeled [MQ] are the optimal resolution for file size or asset type (Mid)

VDB Volumes labeled [HQ] are 2-3x the resolution of non-HQ files (Mid to Close)

VDB Volumes labeled [HQ2] require a single GPU with more than 11GB VRAM (Close up)