Free Stuff

  • Pink Amethyst (2K)


    This Material is an Experminental texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Cottage Brick Wall (2K)


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Cave Wall Wet


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Broken TileStyle Pavement


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • PS ONE


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Snow Pebbles 2


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Snow Pebbles


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Concrete Yellow Stripe Markings


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Exercise Book [Experimental Maps]


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Wrecked Ship Panels


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Dusty Cave Wall


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Free Wicker


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

  • Cloud 1 [MQ] [L]


    Here at VFX Hut we are proud to announce that we will be selling VDB Volume files after popular demand.


    • 1 frames VDB Files
  • VH Wind Test Rig


    Wind Rig for leaves in Cinema 4D.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Alien Tarmac

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Beach Pebble Atlas

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Church Damaged Wall

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Cliff 3

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Cliff 4

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Generic Rock Cliff

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Sale!

    Limestone Cliff

    £2.50 £0.00
    Sale! £2.50 £0.00

    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!

  • Shrewsbury Wall


    This Material is a Premium texture, which means that it works repeated for as long as you need, even colours used to ensure a great seamless texture.

    Subscribe to our Annual or Lifetime plans to download this asset!



Our Surface Imperfections vary in resolution depending on what we are capturing. Most maps will be between 4K and 3.5K, but none should be under 2K - allowing for maximum quality as captured within the real world.


We currently have two types of imperfection maps, Still (Imperfections) and Video (Motion Imperfections). Our Motion Imperfections are captured at 8K using a RED V-RAPTOR Camera.

Motion Imperfections:

We provide a 120fps processed MOV & Standard speed processed in PNG Sequences, HQ MP4 and MP4. If they are too slow feel free to speed them up using the 120fps footage.

Please Note: Most Motion Imperfections will not be seamless


Most VDB Volumes are Low to Medium Resolution, meaning they are designed for Mid to Wide shots.

This is to allow all users of GPU Renderers to add volumes into their scenes. Also it helps keep the file size down.

VDB Volumes labeled [L] are our legacy volumes (Early Volume Creations) (Wide Shots)

VDB Volumes labeled [SQ] are resolution designed for wide shots (Wide-Mid)

VDB Volumes labeled [MQ] are the optimal resolution for file size or asset type (Mid)

VDB Volumes labeled [HQ] are 2-3x the resolution of non-HQ files (Mid to Close)

VDB Volumes labeled [HQ2] require a single GPU with more than 11GB VRAM (Close up)