VFX Hut’s Subs Library Launched!
We are now offering lifetime membership and yearly plans starting from as little as £49/year to have access to all of our content. Please bare with us we started small and are growing fast. So after signing up if you have any tech problems drop us an email and we will...
COVID19 Self Isolation Isn’t all that Bad for 3D Designers!
So you are self-isolating or you just don’t fancy going out and catching this crazy new virus! Well, let’s see if we can help make it less boring. Yes, you probably have a Substance or Quixel Subscription. Who Doesn’t, We do! VFX Hut are offering 35%...
Quixel are Kind!!
Getting home and receiving an email from Quixel saying you can pay £10 less a month and receive MORE and higher resolution textures was all just too much. How nice is that! Not only that (little annoying) but Unreal Engine Users get access to the Megascans library...
Pixologic Zbrush 2020 Released
Having recently invested in ZBrush we were happy to find out that we could download the latest version free. 2019.1 customers can upgrade to ZBrush 2020 for free. This is the total opposite to what Maxon do with Cinema 4D, not allowing R20 customers to upgrade even by...